Pretty Printing
Display Area
All pretty-printing operations use a rectangular display area characterized by its width, height, and offset as shown in Figure Display Area. The width and offset are measured in number of columns, and the height is a number of lines. The offset is the distance to the beginning of the line. The width must be at least four columns and the height must be at least one line.
Pretty-printing functions either write to a stream or construct and
return a string. For example, to print a term t
to stdout
can call:
yices_pp_term(stdout, t, 120, 40, 0);
This uses a display area of 120 columns × 40 lines. To construct a string, you can do:
char *s = yices_term_to_string(t, 120, 40, 0);
The string s
is formatted so that printf("%s\n", s)
the same result as the previous call to yices_pp_term
If the area is too small, then the pretty printer truncates the term
and prints ellipses. Example test_pp.c
illustrates this behavior. It prints a term made of twenty conjuncts
as follows:
(and (>= (+ 1 x0 x1) 0) (>= (+ 1 x1 x2) 0) (>= (+ 1 x2 x3) 0) (>= (+ 1 x3 x4) 0) (>= (+ 1 x4 x5) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x5 x6) 0) (>= (+ 1 x6 x7) 0) (>= (+ 1 x7 x8) 0) (>= (+ 1 x8 x9) 0) (>= (+ 1 x9 x10) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x10 x11) 0) (>= (+ 1 x11 x12) 0) (>= (+ 1 x12 x13) 0) (>= (+ 1 x13 x14) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x14 x15) 0) (>= (+ 1 x15 x16) 0) (>= (+ 1 x16 x17) 0) (>= (+ 1 x17 x18) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x18 x19) 0) (>= (+ 1 x0 x19) 0))
When the area is too small, the result is truncated:
(>= (+ 1 x0 x1) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x1 x2) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x2 x3) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x3 x4) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x4 x5) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x5 x6) 0)
(>= (+ 1 x6 x7) 0) (...
Printing Terms and Types
The pretty-printing API includes functions to print terms, types, and
models. They may report the usual errors (i.e., INVALID_TYPE
if the input is not valid). They can also
report that writing to a stream failed with error code
. In such a case, errno
and the standard
functions perror
and strerror
can be used to get more
int32_t yices_pp_type(FILE *f, type_t tau, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty-prints a type.
f is the output stream
tau is the type to print
width, height, and offset specify the display area
The stream f must be open and writable.
The function returns -1 if there’s an error or 0 otherwise.
Error report
if tau is not valid:
– error code:
– type1 := tau
if writing to f fails:
– error code:
int32_t yices_pp_type_fd(int fd, type_t tau, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty-prints a type.
This function is similar to
except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a stream f.
int32_t yices_pp_term(FILE *f, term_t t, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty-prints a term.
f is the output stream
t is the term to print
width, height, and offset specify the display area
The stream f must be open and writable.
The function returns -1 if there’s an error or 0 otherwise.
Error report
if t is not valid:
– error code:
– term1 := t
if writing to f fails:
– error code:
int32_t yices_pp_term_fd(int fd, term_t t, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty-prints a term.
This function is similar to
except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a stream f.
int32_t yices_pp_term_array(FILE *f, uint32_t n, const term_t a[], uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset, int32_t horiz)
Pretty-prints an array of terms.
f is the output stream
n is the size of the array
a is an array of n terms to print
width, height, and offset specify the display area
horiz is a Boolean flag that specifies the layout
If horiz is true (i.e., not zero) the function attempts to print several terms, separated by spaces, on each line of the display areas:
a[0] a[1] ... a[k] a[k+1] ... a[n-1]
Otherwise (i.e., if horiz=0) the terms are printed one below the other:
a[0] a[1] ... a[n-1]
The function first checks whether all the terms in array a are valid. If any a[i] is invalid, it prints nothing, sets the error report, and returns -1.
Otherwise, the function prints the terms in the display area in the format specified by the horiz flag. Some terms may be omitted if the area is too small. The function returns 0, unless an error occurs while attempting to write to stream f. In this case, the function sets the error report to
and returns -1.
int32_t yices_pp_term_array_fd(int fd, uint32_t n, const term_t a[], uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset, int32_t horiz)
Pretty-prints an array of terms.
This function is similar to
except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a stream f.
char *yices_type_to_string(type_t tau, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Converts a type to a string.
This functions returns a string s formatted as if tau was printed in the given display area.
tau is the type to print
width, height, and offset specify the display area
The function returns
if tau is not valid and sets the error report.Otherwise, it returns a string s. This string must be deleted when it is no longer needed by calling
.If you don’t care too much about formatting, set height to 1, offset to 0, and use a large enough width. This will build a string s that does not contain any line breaks.
char *yices_term_to_string(term_t t, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Converts a term to a string.
This constructs a string s formatted as if t was pretty-printed.
t is the term to print
width, height, and offset specify the display area
The function returns
if tau is not valid and sets the error report.Otherwise, it returns a string s. This string must be deleted when it is no longer needed by calling
.If you don’t care too much about formatting, set height to 1, offset to 0, and use a large enough width. This will build a string s that does not contain any line breaks.
Printing Models and Term Values
int32_t yices_pp_model(FILE *f, model_t *mdl, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty-prints a model.
f: output stream
mdl is the model to print
width, height, and offset specify the display area
Stream f must be open and writable.
This function prints mdl in the given display area. If writing to f fails, it returns -1. Otherwise, it returns 0.
For every uninterpreted that has name and has a value in mdl, the function will print a line of the form:
(= <name> <value>
For terms that have a function type, the format is different; it will look something like this:
(function b (type (-> int bool)) (= (b 0) true) (= (b 1) true) (default false))
This shows how function b is defined in the model: it’s a function from int to bool such that (b 0) and (b 1) are true, and (b i) is false for any i that’s not equal to 0 or 1.
Error report
if writing to f fails
– error code:
The model mdl stores a mapping from uninterpreted terms to values. This function prints the value assigned to these uninterpreted terms, but it skips any uninterpreted term that does not have a name.
int32_t yices_pp_model_fd(int fd, model_t *mdl, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty-prints a model.
This function is similar to
except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a stream f.
void yices_print_model(FILE *f, model_t *mdl)
Prints a model.
This function prints model mdl on stream f. It has the same behavior as
but it does not use a pretty printer.
int32_t yices_print_model_fd(int fd, model_t *mdl)
Prints a model.
Same behavior as
, except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a stream f.This function returns -1 if the write to file fd fails. It returns 0 otherwise.
int32_t yices_pp_term_values(FILE *f, model_t *mdl, uint32_t n, const term_t a[], uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty print the value of n terms in a model
The function prints the name and value of terms a[0] … a[n-1] on stream f.
f: output stream
mdl: model
n: number of terms to print
a: array of n terms
width, height, offset: define the pretty-print area
The function returns -1 if there’s an error or 0 otherwise.
Error report
if one of the terms a[i] is not valid:
– error code:
– term1 := a[i]
if writing to f fails:
– error code:
int32_t yices_pp_term_values_fd(int32_t fd, model_t *mdl, uint32_t n, const term_t a[], uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Pretty print the value of n terms in a model.
This is the same as
, except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a strean f.
int32_t yices_print_term_values(FILE *f, model_t *mdl, uint32_t n, const term_t a[])
Print the values of n tems in a model.
This is similar to
, except that it does not use pretty printing.
int32_t yices_print_term_values_fd(int fd, model_t *mdl, uint32_t n, const term_t a[])
Print the values of n tems in a model.
This function is similar to
, except that it uses a file descriptor fd instead of a stream f.
char *yices_model_to_string(model_t *mdl, uint32_t width, uint32_t height, uint32_t offset)
Converts a model to a string.
This function returns a string s constructed by pretty printing mdl in the given display area. The string must be deleted when no longer needed by calling