Building Yices from Source

The source for the latest release is at If you prefer, you can clone our GitHub repository:

git clone

You can choose between different compile-time features and optional components:

  1. Support for the MCSAT solver (necessary for non-linear arithmetic).

  2. Support for back-end Boolean SAT solvers (which can provide performance improvements on bit-vector problems).

  3. Build a thread-safe version of the Yices library.

The following build instructions are written for Ubuntu but they should work with minor adjustments on other Unix variants. For Windows, we recommand compiling using Cygwin or with the MinGW cross-compilers.

Common Dependencies

No matter which variant you want to build, you need a C compiler that supports C99. Any reasonably recent version of GCC or Clang should work. You will also need standard build tools such as GNU Make and sed.

You also need the GNU Multiple Precision library (GMP) and the gperf utility.

If you cloned the GitHub repository, you will also need autoconf.

Basic Build

The simplest type of build does not include MCSAT or third-party SAT solvers. Start by installing the dependencies:

sudo apt-get install libgmp-dev
sudo apt-get install gperf

Build from a source tarfile

If you donwloaded the source tarfile from, you can configure and build Yices as follows:

make -j
sudo make install

This installs the binaries in /usr/local/bin, the header files in /usr/local/include, and the library in /usr/local/lib. You can change the installation location by giving the option --prefix=<directory> to the configure script.

Build from a clone of our Git repository

If you got the source from our GitHub repository, the build process is almost the same as from a tarfile. Make sure autoconf is installed:

sudo apt-get install autoconf

Then build Yices as follows:

make -j
sudo make install

Running the tests

Optionally, you can check that the build was fine by using

make -j check

This will run the Yices regression tests.

MCSAT Support

The MCSAT solver has two more dependencies:

  1. The LibPoly library for manipulating polynomials.

  2. The CUDD libray for Binary Decision Diagrams.

Install LibPoly

Get LibPoly from our GitHub repository and follow the build instructions there. Make sure to get the latest LibPoly release.

Install CUDD

We recommend clone the CUDD Git repository from CUDD must be built as Position-Independent Code (i.e., with option -fPIC) to be linked with Yices.

Here is how you can build CUDD:

git clone
cd cudd
./configure CFLAGS=-fPIC
sudo make install

This will install CUDD header files and libraries in /usr/local.


The CUDD Makefile was created with automake-1.14. Compilation may fail if you have a different version of automake with a complaint like WARNING ’automake-1.14’ is missing on your system. If this happens to you, try this before you type make


Configure and Build Yices with MCSAT Support

Once you’ve installed LibPoly and CUDD, you can build Yices as follows:

./configure --enable-mcsat
make -j
sudo make install

You may need to set CPPFLAGS and LDFLAGS if the libpoly library is not in a standard location.

Third-Party SAT Solvers

Yices can use third-party SAT solvers as backends to the bit-vector solvers. Currently one internal and three third-party solvers are supported

  1. Internal y2sat SAT solver (default solver)

  2. Armin Biere’s CaDiCal

  3. Mate Soos’ CryptoMiniSAT

  4. Armin Biere’s Kissat (patched version)

You can also compile Yices with any of these SAT solvers.

Install CaDiCaL

CaDiCaL must be built with option -fPIC to work with Yices. It’s also a good idea to install CaDiCaL in a standard location such as /usr/local. If you use bash, the following instructions should do:

git clone
cd cadical
CXXFLAGS=-fPIC ./configure
make test
sudo install build/libcadical.a /usr/local/lib
sudo install build/cadical build/mobical /usr/local/bin
sudo install -m644 src/ccadical.h /usr/local/include

Install CryptoMiniSAT

Yices requires a patched version of CryptoMiniSAT 5 that we provide at You may also need to install CryptoMiniSAT’s dependencies:

sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev libboost-program-options-dev

Then you can build and install CryptoMiniSAT as follows:

git clone
cd cryptominisat
mkdir build
cd build
sudo make install

This will install CryptoMiniSAT in /usr/local/.

There are more detailed build instructions in the CryptoMiniSAT README.

Install Kissat

We provide a patched version of Kissat that fixes an issue. Download this patched version at The original is at To compile the code, follow these instructions:

git clone
cd kissat
./configure -fPIC
sudo install build/libkissat.a /usr/local/lib
sudo install -m644 src/kissat.h /usr/local/include

Configure and Build Yices with Third-Party Solvers

To build Yices with support for all third-party solvers, use the following configure command in the top-level yices source directory:

     LIBS=’-lcryptominisat5 -lcadical -lkissat -lstdc++ -lm’

If you want only CaDiCaL:

./configure CPPFLAGS=-DHAVE_CADICAL LIBS=’-lcadical -lstdc++ -lm’

If you want only CryptoMiniSAT:

./configure CPPFLAGS=-DHAVE_CRYPTOMINISAT LIBS=’-lcryptominisat5 -lstdc++’

If you want only Kissat, use this command:

./configure CPPFLAGS=-DHAVE_KISSAT LIBS=’-lkissat -lm’

After any of these configure commands, you can build Yices as usual:

make -j
sudo make install


These third-party solvers are compatible with MCSAT. So you can add the flag --enable-mcsat to also include support for MCSAT.

Thread-Safe Yices Library

By default, the Yices library is not re-entrant and should not be used in multithreaded applications. If you need a thread-safe version of the library, configure and build Yices as follows:

./configure --enable-thread-safety
make -j
sudo make install

When configured in this way, the Yices library allows multiple threads to operate on separate contexts and models without causing race conditions. This is useful to call yices_check_context on different contexts in parallel. API functions that create terms and types are automatically serialized by an internal locking mechanism.


It is not safe for distinct threads to operate on the same context or model concurrently. It you want to do that, you have to implement your own locking mechanism.


The --enable-thread-safety and --enable-mcsat options are currently incompatible. It is not possible to build a Yices version that is both thread-safe and support MCSAT.