
Yices has primitive types for Booleans, integers, reals, and bitvectors. Other atomic types can be created by declaring new uninterpreted types and new scalar types. In addition, the type system includes tuple and function types.

The API provides functions for accessing the primitive types, creating uninterpreted and scalar types, and for building tuple and function types. The API also includes various functions for examining types. Functions for printing types are documented in Pretty Printing.

All type constructors return an object of type type_t, which is either a type or the special value NULL_TYPE if there is an error. For error diagnostic, use the functions documented in section Error Reporting.

Common error reports

  • All functions set the error report as follows if they receive a type parameter tau that is not valid:

    – error code: INVALID_TYPE

    – type1 := tau (i.e., the invalid type)

  • If an integer parameter must be positive, the functions will report the following error when the input is zero:

    – error code: POS_INT_REQUIRED

    – badval := 0

Other error reports are possible. They are listed for each function.

Type Constructors

type_t yices_bool_type(void)

Returns the Boolean type.

type_t yices_int_type(void)

Returns the integer type.

type_t yices_real_type(void)

Returns the real type.

type_t yices_bv_type(uint32_t size)

Constructs a bitvector type.


  • size is the number of bits. It must be positive and no more than YICES_MAX_BVSIZE

Error report

type_t yices_new_scalar_type(uint32_t card)

Creates a new scalar type.


  • card is the type cardinality. It must be positive.
type_t yices_new_uninterpreted_type(void)

Creates a new uninterpreted type.

type_t yices_tuple_type(uint32_t n, const type_t tau[])

Creates the tuple type: (tuple tau[0] … tau[n-1]).


  • n: number of components.
  • tau: array of n types

n must be positive and no more than YICES_MAX_ARITY

Error report

type_t yices_tuple_type1(type_t tau1)

Creates the tuple type (tuple tau1).

This function is equivalent to yices_tuple_type with n=1.

type_t yices_tuple_type2(type_t tau1, type_t tau2)

Creates the tuple type (tuple tau1 tau2).

This function is equivalent to yices_tuple_type with n=2.

type_t yices_tuple_type3(type_t tau1, type_t tau2, type_t tau3)

Creates the tuple type (tuple tau1 tau2 tau3).

This function is equivalent to yices_tuple_type with n=3.

type_t yices_function_type(uint32_t n, const type_t dom[], type_t range)

Creates the function type (-> dom[0] … dom[n-1] range).


  • n: function arity (i.e., size of array dom)
  • dom: array of domain types
  • range: range type

n must be positive and no more than YICES_MAX_ARITY

Error report

type_t yices_function_type1(type_t tau1, type_t range)

Creates the unary function type: (-> tau1 range).

This function is equivalent to yices_function_type with n=1.

type_t yices_function_type2(type_t tau1, type_t tau2, type_t range)

Creates the binary function type: (-> tau1 tau2 range).

This function is equivalent to yices_function_type with n=2.

type_t yices_function_type3(type_t tau1, type_t tau2, type_t tau3, type_t range)

Creates the ternary function type: (-> tau1 tau2 tau3 range).

This function is equivalent to yices_function_type with n=3.

Tests on Types

The following functions check a property of a type tau. They return 0 for false and 1 for true.

If tau is not a valid type, these functions return false (i.e., 0) and set the error report (error code: INVALID_TYPE).

int32_t yices_type_is_bool(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is the Boolean type.

int32_t yices_type_is_int(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is the integer type.

int32_t yices_type_is_real(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is the real type.

int32_t yices_type_is_arithmetic(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is an arithmetic type (i.e., either integer or real).

int32_t yices_type_is_bitvector(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is a bitvector type.

int32_t yices_type_is_scalar(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is a scalar type.

int32_t yices_type_is_uninterpreted(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is uninterpreted.

int32_t yices_type_is_tuple(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is a tuple type.

int32_t yices_type_is_function(type_t tau)

Checks whether tau is a function type.

int32_t yices_test_subtype(type_t tau, type_t sigma)

Checks whether tau is a subtype of sigma.

The function returns 1 for true and 0 for false. If tau or sigma is not a valid type, the function returns false and sets the error report.

int32_t yices_compatible_types(type_t tau, type_t sigma)

Checks whether tau and sigma are compatible.

The function returns 1 for true and 0 for false. If tau or sigma is not a valid type, the function returns false and sets the error report.

Two types are compatible if they have a common supertype. For example, real and int are compatible because their common supertype is real. Consult the manual for more details.

Access to Type Components

The following functions give access to attributes and components of a type.

uint32_t yices_bvtype_size(type_t tau)

Returns the number of bits of type tau, or 0 if there’s an error.

Error report

  • If tau is not a bitvector type:

    – error code: BVTYPE_REQUIRED

    – type1 := tau

uint32_t yices_scalar_type_card(type_t tau)

Returns the cardinality of type tau, or 0 if there’s an error.

Error report

int32_t yices_type_num_children(type_t tau)

Number of children of type tau. or -1 if there’s an error.

  • If tau is a tuple type (tuple τ1 … τn), the function returns n
  • If tau is a function type (-> τ1 … τn σ), the function returns n+1
  • If tau is any other type, the function returns 0
type_t yices_type_child(type_t tau, int32_t i)

Returns the i-th child of type tau.

  • If tau has n children then index i must be in the interval [0 … n-1].

  • For a tuple type (tuple τ1 … τn),

    – the first child (with index i=0) is τ1,

    – the last child (with index i=n-1) is τn.

  • For a function type (-> τ1 … τn σ),

    – the first child (with index i=0) is τ1,

    – the last child (with index i=n) is σ.

  • For any other type, the function returns NULL_TYPE as the type has no children.

Error report

  • If i is negative or larger than the number of children minus one:

    – error code: INVALID_TYPE_OP

int32_t yices_type_children(type_t tau, type_vector_t *v)

Collects the children of a type.

The children of type tau are collected in vector v. The vector must be initialized first by calling function yices_init_type_vector.

If tau is not a valid type, this function returns -1, sets the error report, and leaves v unchanged.

Otherwise, the children are stored in v in the same order as given by yices_type_child.

  • v->size is the number of children of tau
  • v->data[i] contains the i-th child.

If tau is an atomic type, then v->size is set to 0 and v->data is empty.